
domingo, 15 de maio de 2011

Srila Sridhar Maharaja end Nrsimha-dev

Guardian of Devotion: Informal Conversations

Nrsimha-dev  05:58 min  mp3 free

                       Srila Bhakti Raksaka Sridhara Maharaja Ki Jay!

Os nove processos de Bhakti

Descritos no 7º canto do Srimad Bhagavatan por Prahlada Maharaja

1. ESCUTAR ( sravanam )
Maharaja Pariksit nos últimos sete dias de sua vida, escutou constantemente o Srimad Bhagavatam.

2. CANTAR ( kirtanam )
Sukadeva Goswami narrou o Bhagavatam a Maharaja Pariksit.

3. RECORDAR ( visnu smaranam )
Prahlada Maharaja nunca duvidou de Krishna mesmo diante de todas as torturas de seu pai Hiranyakashipu.

4. SERVIR OS PÉS DE LÓTUS DO SENHOR ( pada sevanam )
Laksmi, a deusa da fortuna, esta sempre ocupada em servir os pés de lótus de Krishna.

5. ADORAR AS DEIDADES ( arcanam )
Maharaja Prthu usou todas suas posições reais para oferecê-las em devoção ao Senhor.

6. ORAR ( vandanam )
Akura ofereceu orações a Krishna quando estava viajando a Vrindavana para vê-lo.

Hanuman, o servo íntimo do Senhor Ramacandra, executou todas as ordens dadas por Ele mesmo com tantas dificuldades.

8. SERVIR COMO AMIGO ( sakhyam )
Arjuna estava tão envolvido por Krishna, que o Senhor se ofereceu mesmo assim para conduzir sua quadriga e serviu Arjuna e seus irmãos de diferentes maneiras.

9. RENDER-SE COMPLETAMENTE ( atma nivedanam )

Os nove níveis de Bhakti Yoga descritos no Caitanya Caritamrita, Madhva-Lila, por Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu são:

Primeiro deve-se ter fé e em seguida ter a associação dos devotos puros.
Depois tomar iniciação do mestre espiritual fidedigno e executar os pincipios regulativos, aAssim nos libertamos dos hábitos indesejaveis e nos tornamos fixos em nosso serviço prescrito.
Esta é a maneira de sadhana-bhakti a execução do serviço devocional de acordo com os principios regulativos.
Veja como se desenvolve gradualmente o amor por Deus para os devotos interessados em Conciência de Krishna.

1. sraddha: fé

2. sadhu-sanga: associação com os devotos

3. bhajana-kriya: realização de serviço devocional

4. anartha nivrtti: decadência e apegos indesejados

5. nistha: firmeza

6. ruci: gosto

7. asakti: apego

8. bhava: amor

9. prema: amor puro por Krishna

Sri Nrisimha-avatara by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja

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The fourth among the Dasavatara is Sri Nrisimha-avatara. Among the innumerable avataras, twenty-five are pre-eminent as has been stated before in connection with Matsya-avatara. Of these twenty-five, Sri Nrisimhadeva is the fourteenth. He is the vaibhava-vilasa (expansion in magnificence) of the tadekatma form of Sri Krishna.
The second catur-vyuha (quadruple expansion) of Sri Krishna is comprised of Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha, and each of these has two further vilasa expansions. Pradyumna’s expansions are Sri Nrisimhadeva and Sri Janardana. Besides that, it is also described that in the second catur-vyuha, Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha are the prabhava-vilasa (predominating transcendental pastime expansions) of Sri Krishna. There are a total of twenty further expansions of these four prabhava-vilasa forms. They can be recognised according to the placement of four different symbols in Their hands: conch (sankha), mace (gada), lotus (padma) and disc (cakra). Regarding Sri Nrisimhadeva, these symbols appear in the order of cakra, padma, gada and sankha (disc in the lower right hand, lotus in the upper right hand, mace in the upper left hand and conch in the lower left hand).
In the Seventh Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the pastime of Sri Nrisimhadeva’s appearance is briefly narrated as follows:
Due to the curse of the four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatana and Sanat), Jaya and Vijaya, the doorkeepers of Vaikuntha, took birth as Hiranyaksha and Hiranyakasipu, as the two sons of Diti and Kasyapa Åshi. Of the two sons, Hiranyakasipu was senior and affectionate to his brother. Lord Sri Hari, in the form of Lord Varaha, took the side of the demigods and killed Hiranyaksha. Desiring to take revenge, Hiranyakasipu began to consider Lord Vishnu as his enemy and developed malicious feelings toward Him. He encouraged the demons to disturb ritualistic ceremonies and kill the brahmanas. He also decided to perform severe austerities for one hundred years to get the benediction of achieving unrivalled supremacy of the three worlds. When Lord Brahma became pleased by his austerities and appeared before him, Hiranyakasipu asked for the benediction of becoming immortal. Lord Brahma explained his inability to give him the boon of immortality, so Hiranyakasipu asked for the boon of immortality in a different manner by requesting the following conditions: that he not be killed during the day or night, either inside or outside, in the sky or on the ground. He also asked that he not be killed by any weapon or by any living being created by Brahma. Thus, Hiranyakasipu became extremely powerful by the boon of Brahma and enslaved all the Lokapalas (presiding deities of the eight directions of the universe). He became the sole monarch of the three worlds and enjoyed worldly pleasures while occupying Mahendra Bhavana, the residence of Indra. The demigods suffered due to his cruel behaviour and took refuge of Sri Hari. Lord Hari then gave them confidence saying, “When Hiranyakasipu becomes jealous of his devotee-son Prahlada, he will be destroyed.”
Hiranyakasipu had four sons: Samhlada, Anuhlada, Hlada and Prahlada. Of these, Prahlada was the best due to his virtuous qualities. While in his mother’s womb he had heard and assimilated the teachings of Narada Muni. As he was always absorbed in meditation on the Supreme Lord, the peaceful and tranquil-hearted Prahlada could not perceive anything in this world unrelated to God, who is all-good.
As it was the custom in those days to send children to the guru’s home for education, Hiranyakasipu sent Prahlada, who was well versed in ethics, to Nanda and Amarka, the two sons of the demon-guru Sukracarya. Nanda and Amarka lived near the palace. They began to teach politics to Prahlada along with the other demon children. After hearing the teachings of his gurus, Prahlada would always give the expected reply, but in his heart he did not like these teachings. “This is my country, that is another’s country. This is our group, that is another’s group.” Politics is based upon the foundation of this division between “mine and thine.” There can be no politics without this “mine and thine” or “friend and foe” mentality. So, this is the demoniac mentality. Here, the noteworthy thing is that although the highly learned Prahlada understood the futility of the teachings of his teachers, he never behaved in a rude or disrespectful manner, but gave befitting respect to them. If a person respects his parents, teachers, elders, guardians and others senior to himself in age, he is benefited and there remains consistency in the social arrangement. Selfishness and disrespect of elders and seniors will bring disorder everywhere. Prahlada’s character is unique and his every conduct is worth following.
When Prahlada’s teachers Nanda and Amarka saw that Prahlada had attained a good education and was answering all their questions properly, they thought it wise to send him to his father, as he would be glad to see Prahlada’s educational progress. Hiranyakasipu was happy at the return of Prahlada from his guru’s home. He took him on his lap and cordially said, “My dear son Prahlada, tell me whatever you think to be saintly (sadhu).” By this, Hiranyakasipu meant that he wanted Prahlada to tell him some good words from whatever he remembered from his guru’s teachings that he could express without difficulty, as he was just a child.
Prahlada understood the intentions of his father, but as the question was put before Prahlada in the royal assembly, he thought that he ought to speak only the truth, which is actually saintly, otherwise the court members would misunderstand him. So he replied, “O emperor of demons, for the corporeal souls who are always perplexed due to the acceptance of perishable things and contact with non-eternal relations, I think it to be saintly to renounce the home which is like a dark well[1], the place of downfall, and to go to the forest to take refuge of and worship the lotus feet of Sri Hari.”
Hearing his son’s view on the worship of Vishnu, Hiranyakasipu smiled and thought that others must have spoiled the vulnerable intelligence of the child. He sternly ordered the demons to be careful in dealing with Prahlada and to take care lest any Vaishnava come in disguise and spoil his intelligence. After hearing about this order from Hiranyakasipu, Nanda and Amarka became worried. They knew that they had never taught Prahlada about Vishnu-worship, so he must have heard such things from some Vaishnava and spoken about it. If they tried to find out the name of that Vaishnava and tactfully inform the king about it, the king would not doubt them. With this intention, Nanda and Amarka addressed Prahlada in a very pleasing manner and said, “O joy of the demon dynasty, we bless you for the sake of your welfare. You should not tell a lie before your teachers. Speak the truth. We have not taught you about devotion to Vishnu. We have taught you with other demon children but their minds are not spoiled like yours. Did you speak for yourself in that manner, or has somebody spoiled your intelligence?” Prahlada understood the intentions of his teachers. So he first offered pranamas to the Supreme Lord who controls the maya potency that covers the intelligence of the living beings and creates the mentality of “mine and thine.” Then he said, “As iron is naturally attracted towards a magnet, my heart is similarly attracted towards the lotus feet of Cakrapani Sri Hari (Sri Hari, the holder of the disc weapon). Sri Hari has spoiled my intelligence.”
Prahlada’s reply was not what Nanda and Amarka wished to hear. They thought that Prahlada would mention someone’s name whom they could catch hold of, so they became angry and condemned Prahlada, “O ruiner of the family, defamer of the demon dynasty, you are like a thorn tree in the sandalwood forest which is the asura dynasty. Using you as an axe, Vishnu will destroy the sandal forest of the demons. Your intelligence is lost. There are four methods of politics, namely sama (conciliation), dana (monetary gratification), bheda (causing dissension) and danda (punishment), and your conscience will not be awakened without using the last method. Someone bring a cane immediately to flog this boy!” Thus, they tried to frighten Prahlada by striking a cane on the table; because Prahlada was the son of the emperor, they lacked the courage to actually beat him. They reproached him hastily but Prahlada remained silent. Again, they began to teach him the scriptures related to dharma, artha and kama (piety, wealth and the fulfilment of desires), and tried to educate him in politics.
After some time, Prahlada’s teachers saw that Prahlada had become expert in the four pillars of politics. He properly replied to every question. This time, they themselves would take him to the king. Thinking in this way, they first took Prahlada to see his mother. Prahlada made obeisances to his mother and she bathed him very affectionately and decorated him with various jewels. Then, Prahlada’s teachers took him to the royal assembly of King Hiranyakasipu, whereupon Prahlada made prostrated obeisances before his father. Seeing Prahlada, Hiranyakasipu felt great affection for him. He took him on his lap, embraced him, kissed him, and bathed him with tears of happiness. After this, Hiranyakasipu happily inquired, “O son Prahlada, you have taken instruction from your gurus for so long. Now, please tell me something excellent from their teachings.” Hiranyakasipu’s intention was that Prahlada should speak on what was best from the teachings of Ñanda and Amarka, considering them as gurus. But Prahlada was worried; he thought that if he replied according to his father’s wishes, the others present in the court would get the wrong impression about the teachings of a real guru. Ñanda and Amarka were not real gurus (sad-gurus) even though they were family gurus. A guru[2] should be srotriya[3] (well-versed in the sruti or Vedas) and have brahmanishtha (firm devotion to Brahman or God). Prahlada’s teachers were learned in sruti but lacked firm devotion to Brahman. They were only devoted to their specific mundane subjects or worldly knowledge, so their teaching was not the instruction of proper gurus. Prahlada decided to speak about the essence of all the lessons he had received from his real guru, Narada, who possessed the two qualities of srotriya and brahmanishtha, and replied:
“Dedicating oneself to Vishnu and following the nine forms of devotion, with the only object being the propitiation of Vishnu, is the highest form of genuine knowledge.” The nine forms of devotion are, respectively: sravanam (hearing), kirtanam (chanting), smaranam (remembrance of the name, form, attributes, personal associates and pastimes of the Lord), pada-sevanam (service of the lotus feet of the Lord. This also indicates service of the devotees of the Lord), arcanam (worship of the Deity), vandanam (offering prayers and obeisances), dasyam (service of God in the relationship of master and servant), sakhyam (service of God in friendship), and atma-nivedanam (total self-dedication to God).
Upon hearing Prahlada again speak about the worship of Vishnu, Hiranyakasipu thought that he must have learned this from Nanda and Amarka, the sons of his guru, Sukracarya. Thus, he became very angry and condemned them in a rude manner, “O lowest of brahmanas! O evil minded ones! What did you do? You disobeyed me; you adopted the favour of my enemy and taught my son Prahlada about worthless Vishnu-bhakti. A sinful person commits sin secretly but his sin manifests in the form of disease; similarly, a deceptive and wicked-minded person, although living in the form of a friend, ultimately discloses his real form through his deeds.” At this, the guru’s sons said, “O King, you have conquered Indra, and all the Lokapalas are afraid of you. We are but poor brahmanas. We would not dare to act against you. We have not taught Prahlada about devotion to Vishnu and neither has anyone else. Prahlada’s devotion to Vishnu is natural and inborn, so please restrain your anger.” In Satya-yuga, everyone spoke truthfully, so Hiranyakasipu believed his guru’s sons. He asked Prahlada, “O impolite one, O destroyer of the family, how have you become Krishna conscious if your gurus did not teach you in this manner?”
Prahlada replied, “Without the favour of a nishkincana maha-bhagavata (a perfect pure devotee, completely emancipated from worldly concerns), a grihavrata (a person engaged in household affairs) cannot become devoted to Sri Krishna either by himself or by the help of other grihavratas[4].” In other words, Prahlada’s devotion to Sri Krishna was not due to his own efforts or the help of the family guru’s sons. Rather, his devotion to Sri Krishna was due to the favour of nishkincana maha-bhagavata Sri Narada, the devotee of Sri Krishna. Upon hearing this undesirable statement from Prahlada, Hiranyakasipu became blind with rage and threw Prahlada from the throne with such force that any five-year-old child would have died at once, but the Lord saved him. Prahlada remained patient, steady and peaceful. He did not raise a even finger against his father or use any harsh words. Hiranyakasipu ordered the demons to kill Prahlada. At first, the demons did not wish to kill the king’s son, but when Hiranyakasipu repeatedly persuaded them to kill Prahlada by quoting different reasons and maxims, they began to attack the vital parts of Prahlada’s body with spears. As Prahlada’s mind was fully absorbed in and devoted to the indescribable Supreme Lord of the universe, all the efforts of the demons proved futile. Seeing this, Hiranyakasipu became even more suspicious and tried to kill Prahlada by various methods such as the celestial powerful elephant of the quarters, by serpents and by evil incantations. He tried to kill Prahlada by hurling him from a mountain, by burying him in a deep ditch, by poisoning him, by starvation, by exposure to severe cold and atmospheric pressure, by burning him in a fire and by stoning him. But when all efforts proved to be in vain, he began to think that the power of the child was immeasurable. Prahlada was not afraid of anything! Hiranyakasipu began to think that Prahlada was immortal, and worried that he himself might die if he opposed him. Thus, Hiranyakasipu sat down with his head hung low.
Seeing Hiranyakasipu dejected, Nanda and Amarka tried to console him by saying, “O King, you have conquered the three worlds single-handedly and all the Lokapalas are afraid of you. Therefore, you need not worry. Besides, one should not pay attention to the virtues and defects of a mere child.”
They suggested to him, “Until guru Sukracarya returns, Prahlada should be kept on an island so that he might not run away out of fear. Growing up with the acarya, serving the acarya and learning from the acarya will purify his intelligence.” Hiranyakasipu accepted the proposal of both the guru’s sons and told them to instruct the boy in the piety and charity suitable for a king. They carefully took Prahlada and the other demon children to an island. There, they began to teach him about dharma, artha and kama-material religiosity, economic development and sense gratification. One day, the teachers went to their homes to do some work. When the children came to know about their teacher’s departure, they thought it a good chance to play. Prahlada’s school friends called him out to play, but the highly learned Prahlada told them that he wished to say something to them, so they all changed their play-dress and gathered around Prahlada. Though all the children were of the same age as Prahlada, they had great respect and affection for him. Prahlada told the children about the duties of human beings: “The human birth is very rare and valuable because in such a birth one can realise the Supreme Lord. After realising Him, no material desires will remain. But this golden chance is not permanent because life is momentary. So, wise persons will follow bhagavata-dharma from their childhood and worship the Lord by hearing and chanting His glories. The thought that ‘I will perform devotional practices later on’ is not good. If the mind becomes attached to money, wife, son and relatives, then devotion will be difficult. If you do not devote yourself to the Lord’s worship now, many difficulties and problems will interfere with prayer later on.” Prahlada discussed all these things in detail, enabling the children to understand. In order to gain their confidence, he related to them everything about how he had received the message of Krishna-bhajana from Narada while in his mother’s womb. The demon children heard Prahlada’s teachings, and thinking them to be superior ideas, accepted them, thereby rejecting the teachings of their materialistic gurus.
Due to Prahlada’s influence, the minds of the demon children became fixed on the Supreme Lord. The anxious brahmanas Nanda and Amarka immediately went to the demon king to explain the situation. Hearing this implacable message, Hiranyakasipu became extremely angry. With harsh words, he condemned the young Prahlada who was standing politely with folded hands: “O impolite, dull-headed one! You are disobeying my rule. I shall send you to the abode of Yama right now. Even the Lokapalas are afraid of my anger. Why are you not afraid of me? Who has given you this strength?”
Prahlada replied, “Strength only comes from the one Supreme Lord, Sri Hari. Everyone gets their strength from Him. No one is our enemy except the uncontrolled mind. You should give up these demoniac thoughts of ‘friend and foe.’ In ancient times, foolish persons like you had the false pride that they had conquered the earth, but they could not even conquer the six passions residing in their own bodies. Those who have conquered the mind see no one as their enemy. Only the ignorant believe others to be their enemy.” By these words of Prahlada, Hiranyakasipu became more and more enraged and shouted, “O unintelligent fool! You condemn me and boast about conquering the six inherent cardinal passions of man. Certainly you want to die! You rascal, there is no Lord in the world other than me. If there is, then where is He?”
“Father, He is everywhere,” said Prahlada.
“Then why do I not see Him in this pillar?” retorted Hiranyakasipu.
“I see Him even in this pillar,” replied Prahlada.
The very powerful Hiranyakasipu condemned Prahlada with extreme anger and harsh words. “May your Lord save you!” Saying these words, he picked up his sword, rose from his throne and violently struck the pillar with his fist. As the pillar was struck, it emitted a terrible sound as if the whole universe was being shattered. Brahma and the other demigods were afraid of this unique, terrifying sound and Hiranyakasipu himself began to search out its source. Then, in order to prove correct the words of both his devotee Prahlada and Lord Brahma, the Supreme Lord appeared in a wonderful half-human and half-lion form called Nrisimha. Even though the Lord appeared before his very eyes, Hiranyakasipu still could not understand Him as the Lord; he saw Him as a strange creature. Without pure devotional eyes, one cannot see the Lord.
The terrible form of Lord Nrisimha is described in the Bhagavatam as follows: Both His eyes were full of anger and shining like molten gold, and His angry face was full of matted hairs and mane. He had terrible teeth, a sharp tongue like a razor’s edge, stretched eyebrows and raised ears, with a mouth and nose like the caves of a mountain. He had terrible divided jaws, His body was touching the sky, His neck was thick and short, His thighs and chest were broad and His stomach was thin. His body was covered with white hair and He had hundreds of arms and nails. Even though Hiranyakasipu understood this unique Nrisimha Deity to be the cause of his death, he became ready to fight and struck the body of the Lord with his mace. Lord Nrisimhadeva play-acted the battle for some time and then, neither in the daytime nor at night but at dusk, neither inside the house nor outside but on the threshold, neither in the sky nor on the ground but on His lap, and without any weapon but His nails, He tore open Hiranyakasipu’s chest and wore his intestines as a garland. The Lord also killed thousands of other demons with just His nails. After this, Lord Nrisimhadeva exhibited the triumphant behaviour of a conqueror. He left Hiranyakasipu and sat on the throne in the middle of the royal assembly in His angry form. Witnessing this terrible form of the Lord, no one could gather the courage to approach and serve Him, even though they were all ecstatic due to the demise of the cruel king. Brahma, Rudra, Indra, the Rshis, Vidyadharas, Nagas, Manus, Prajapatis, Gandharvas, Caranas, Yakshas, Kimpurushas, Vaitalikas, Kinnaras, Vishnu-parshadas and others, all prayed to Lord Nrisimha from a distance.
Although Brahma prayed to Lakshmi to go to Sri Nrisimhadeva to allay His anger, She could not go before this terrible never-before-seen Deity. Then Brahma asked Prahlada to go and pacify the anger of Nrisimhadeva. The reason for this was that this terrible and angry form of the Lord had appeared only due to the torture of bhakta Prahlada. Prahlada made obeisances to Sri Lakshmi, Brahma and the other demigods. Then he went to Nrisimhadeva and fell down at His lotus feet. Nrisimhadeva, being in the mood of parental affection, put his lotus hand on Prahlada’s forehead so that all of Prahlada’s defects, which were due to having been born in a demon dynasty, were removed. Transcendental knowledge was revealed in his heart and, overwhelmed with ecstatic devotion, he began to offer prayers to Sri Nrisimhadeva.
Satiated by the prayers of Prahlada, Nrisimhadeva wished to grant a boon to him, but Prahlada had no desire of taking any boon. The reason is that the person who serves the Lord with the desire for worldly pleasures or for the Lord’s blessings to get worldly benefit is not an actual servitor but a trader. Then Nrisimhadeva said that if He did not give Prahlada a boon, His designation as Varadarshabha, the Supreme Conferrer of boons, would be defamed. So Prahlada replied, “O Lord, if You wish to grant me a boon, please grant me the boon that there may not be any desire in my heart to ask a boon from You.”
Nrisimhadeva replied, “This cannot be accepted as your prayer for a boon because you have deceived Me.”
Prahlada then submitted this prayer to Nrisimhadeva: “My father struck Your holy body with his mace and he behaved maliciously with me because I worship You. Kindly purify him.”
Nrisimhadeva said to Prahlada, “Your father has seen Me and received My touch. Did this not purify him? O Prahlada, do you think the dynasty in which you have taken birth is still impure? Along with you, twenty-one of your ancestral generations have become purified.”
trih-saptabhih pita putah pitribhih saha te ’nagha
yat sadho ’sya kule jato bhavan vai kula-pavanah

(Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.10.18) “O sinless one, O sadhu, Your father has become pure along with twenty-one forefathers. The reason for this is that having taken birth in their dynasty, you have become the purifier of that dynasty.”
Sri Nrisimhadeva has two dispositions. He is terrible with non-devotees, but with devotees, He is very affectionate and caring. The following verse from the agamas is quoted as evidence by Sridhara Svami in his commentary on Srimad-Bhagavatam 7.9.1:
ugro ’py anugra evayam sva-bhaktanam nri-kesari
kesariva sva-potanam anyesham ugra-vikramah

(Caitanya-caritamrita, Madhya 8.6) “Although very ferocious, the lioness is very kind to her cubs. Similarly, although very ferocious to non-devotees like Hiranyakasipu, Lord Nrisimhadeva is very affectionate and kind to devotees like Prahlada Maharaja.”
(Bhaktivinoda Thakura)
This expresses thoroughly the glories of Sri Nrisimhadeva’s unique mercy. Devotion to Nrisimhadeva enhances bhakti and destroys uncongenial adverse motivations. The meaning of the word Hiranyakasipu is --- hiranya: gold or money, kasipu: bed, i.e. desire for money and women. The desire for name and fame also goes together with them. These are obstructions to devotion. Nrisimhadeva destroys the anti-devotional feelings of the Hiranyakasipu-like mentality of the living beings and nourishes the devotional attitude like that of Prahlada.
So, the favour of Bhakti-vighna-vinasana Sri Nrisimhadeva (Nrisimhadeva, the destroyer of hindrances to bhakti) is very necessary for neophyte devotees who have the weakness of non-eternal propensities.
The next two verses were composed by Sridhara Svami in his commentary on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.1.1 and 10.87.1 respectively:
prahlada-hridayahladam bhaktavidya-vidaranam
sarad-indu-rucim vande parindra-vadanam harim
“Let me offer my obeisances unto the Supreme lion-faced Lord Sri Hari who is residing within the heart of Prahlada Maharaja as condensed bliss, and who always removes nescience. His effulgence is like autumnal moonshine.”
vag-isa yasya vadane lakshmir yasya ca vakshasi
yasyaste hridaye samvit tam nrisimham aham bhaje

“On whose lips Sarasvati (the goddess of learning) dances, on whose chest Lakshmidevi resides in the form of a golden line and whose heart is the abode of grand refulgence of the opulence of Absolute Knowledge-I offer my obeisances unto that very object of worship, Sri Nrisimhadeva.”
ito nrisimhah parato nrisimho yato yato yami tato nrisimhah
bahir nrisimho hridaye nrisimho nrisimham adim saranam prapadye

(Nrisimha Purana, quoted in Caitanya-caritamrita, Antya 16.53)
“Lord Nrisimha is on this side and Lord Nrisimha is on that side. Wherever I go, Nrisimha is there. Nrisimha is outside and Nrisimha is also in my heart. I take shelter of that first appearance of Sri Nrisimha.”
namas te nara-simhaya prahladahlada-dayine
hiranyakasipor vakshah-sila-tanka-nakhalaye

(Nrisimha Purana, quoted in Caitanya-caritamrita, Antya 16.52)
“I offer my respectful obeisances unto Lord Nrisimha who is the giver of bliss to Prahlada, and who possesses nails to tear the stone-like chest of Hiranyakasipu.”
tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-sringam
kesava dhrita-narahari-rupa jaya jagadisa hare

(Sri Jayadeva’s Dasavatara-stotra, 4th Verse)
“O Kesava! O Lord Hari, You have assumed the form of half-man and half-lion! The lotus flower is very soft, but Your most beautiful lotus-like nails are astonishing. The body of the mountain peak-like demon, Hiranyakasipu, has been ripped apart by them because they are also so hard. O Lord of the universe! All glories unto You!”
Regarding this subject, it is written in the Harivamsa Purana as follows: In Satya-yuga, Hiranyakasipu, the ancestor of the demons, was engaged in severe penances and demanded the boon from Brahma that he would not be killed by any demigods, demons, Gandharvas, serpents, Rakshasas or men. He asked that sages would not be able to curse him, that weapons, mountains, trees, wet or dry things would not be able to destroy him, that he would not die in heaven or on any other planet, either in the daytime or at night. Brahma granted him these boons saying, “So be it!” By achieving these boons, Hiranyakasipu became very excited. He became the ruler of heaven and began to torture and abuse the demigods in various ways. Unable to bear this torture, the demigods went to take shelter of Lord Vishnu, who, giving them assurance of protection said, “I am very soon going to destroy that demon who is proud of his boon, along with all his followers.” Bidding farewell to the demigods, Lord Vishnu began to consider how He would kill Hiranyakasipu and went off to the Himalayas. At last, He decided that He would assume the form of Nrisimha who would terrify all the demons (Daityas, Danavas and Rakshasas). He then assumed the form of half-man and half-lion. His luster began to rob the sun of its radiance. In this form, Lord Vishnu gradually approached the place where the demon king, Hiranyakasipu, was sitting in an excellent assembly accompanied by the demigods, Gandharvas and Apsaras (celestial nymphs) who were playing music with perfect rhythm. Being present in that assembly, the Lord looked at Hiranyakasipu again and again. At that time, Hiranyakasipu’s son Prahlada saw that Divine Form for a moment with spiritual vision, and addressed the demon king as follows: “O King, you are the chief of the demons. On seeing this Divine Form, it appears as though this is an inexpressible, divine influencing personality. Our demoniac dynasty will be destroyed by it. All immovable and moveable objects seem to exist in the body of this great person. He is some special personality.”
Hearing Prahlada’s statement, the demon king ordered his demon followers, “Kill this Lion immediately!” The demons attacked the Lion with all their might but they were soon destroyed along with their retinue. Nrisimhadeva then opened His mouth. His terrible roaring appeared like the sound of annihilation, and He easily destroyed the entire demon assembly. Then Hiranyakasipu himself began to shower dreadful weapons on Him. Both began a terrible fight.
The demons attacked Lord Vishnu, but they themselves were killed by Him. Ablaze with anger, Hiranyakasipu appeared to burn everything with his bloodshot eyes. The earth began to shiver, the oceans became perturbed and all the forests and mountains became restless. There was darkness everywhere; nothing was visible. Terrible disturbances took place and fearful winds began to blow. The symptoms of universal annihilation began to appear. Being lusterless and dark, the sun began to emit terrible smoke. Even the seven suns assumed forms of darkness and rose in the sky. Meteors fell in quick succession from the heavens.
Greatly enraged, Hiranyakasipu bit his lips with his teeth and ran to fight, taking his mace in hand. Upon seeing this, all the demigods became frightened. They went to Nrisimhadeva and said, “O Lord, destroy this wicked Hiranyakasipu with his followers. There is no one in this world who can kill him. Therefore, O Lord, kindly kill him for the benefit of the world and establish peace in all the three worlds.”
Hearing the prayer of the demigods, Nrisimhadeva began to make grave sounds. He leapt up and tore out the heart of the demon with his sharp nails and knocked him down on the battleground. When the horrible enemy-the demon king, fell down dead on the ground, all the people of the earth, moon, sun, planets, stars, rivers and mountains-one and all, were pleased. The demigods unitedly began to recite hymns to propitiate Nrisimhadeva. Celestial nymphs began to dance and sing. After the dancing and singing had ended, the Supreme Lord Narayana, who wears the symbol of Garuda on His flag, gave up His form of Nrisimha and assumed His own form. He then stepped onto an eight-wheeled excellently illuminated chariot, and set out for His place on the northern shore of the Ocean of Milk. In this way, Nrisimhadeva destroyed the demon, Hiranyakasipu.

The Glories of Observing Sri Nrisimha-caturdasi-vrata

vaisakhasya caturdasyam suklayam sri nrikesari
jatas tad asyam tatpujot-savam kurvita savratam

(Padma Purana) “Sri Nrisimhadeva appeared on the fourteenth lunar day (Caturdasi-tithi) of the bright fortnight of the month of Vaisakha. So, on this day, it is proper to worship and celebrate the appearance of Nrisimhadeva by following the rules of fasting and others.”
prahlada-klesa nasaya ya hi punya caturdasi
pujayet tatra yatnenahareh prahladam agratah

(from the agamas)
“It is proper to first worship Prahlada before worshipping Nrisimha because the holy fourteenth lunar day of the bright fortnight has appeared in order to remove the distress of Prahlada.”
It is written in the Brihan-narasimha Purana as follows: Prahlada Maharaja desired to know from Sri Nrisimhadeva how he had developed devotion to His lotus feet. Nrisimhadeva replied, “In ancient times, there lived a brahmana named Vasu Sarma in the city of Avanti, who was well-versed in the Vedas. His good wife Susila was famous throughout the three worlds for her virtuous conduct and ideal devotion to her husband. Vasu Sarma fathered five sons in Susila’s womb. His first four sons were learned persons of good conduct and devoted to their father. But you, the youngest son, became attracted to a prostitute and lost your character. You were then known as Vasudeva. Your virtuous conduct was destroyed in the company of that prostitute. Due to a quarrel with the prostitute, on the Nrisimha-caturdasi-tithi both of you stayed awake throughout the night and unknowingly observed a fast. Therefore, both of you obtained the fruits of observing Nrisimha-caturdasi-vrata. The prostitute enjoyed as an Apsara in various ways in heaven and then became My favourite. As the son of Hiranyakasipu, you also took birth as My dear devotee. By observing this fast, Brahma has obtained the power of creation and Mahesvara has obtained the power of destruction of the three worlds. Other people also achieve all kinds of power and perform observance of this vow to fulfil all their desired objectives.” In his Laghu-bhagavatamrita, Srila Rupa Gosvami has written about the pre-eminence of the Lord’s appearance as Sri Nrisimhadeva, quoting the following reference from Sri Padma Purana:
nrisimha-rama-krishneshu sad-gunyam paripuritam
paravasthas tu te tasya dipad utpanna-dipa-vat

(Padma Purana) “Nrisimha, Rama and Krishna possess the pre-eminent presence of the totality of sixty attributes. Just as one lamp lights other lamps and then all lamps follow the same nature, similarly, although Rama and Nrisimha are manifested forms from the Prime Supreme Lord Sri Krishna, all three hold the supreme position with sixty attributes.”


[1] A well without water is known as a dark well. No man goes to such a waterless well, for if someone falls into that well, his rescue is very unlikely. Similarly, the house in which sadhus are not received cordially and in which, being deprived of the association of sadhus, the residents are engaged in sense enjoyment, is like a dark well. There is no possibility of rescue for the residents of such a house. Therefore, such a place of downfall of the corporeal soul (like falling into a dark well) is to be abandoned. [2] The qualities of a guru:
tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet
samit-panih shrotriyam brahma-nishöham

(Munòaka Upanishad 1.2.12) “To learn transcendental subject matter, one must humbly approach, with firewood in hand, a spiritual master who is learned in the Vedas and firmly devoted to the Absolute Truth.”
tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh shreya uttamam
shabde pare ca nishnatam brahmany upashamashrayam

(Srimad-Bhagavatam 11.3.21)
“Therefore, anyone who seriously desires real happiness must seek a bona fide spiritual master and take shelter of him by initiation. The qualification of the bona fide guru is that he has realised the conclusions of the scriptures by deliberation and is able to convince others of these conclusions. Such great personalities who have taken shelter of the Supreme Lord, leaving aside all material considerations, should be understood to be bona fide spiritual masters.”
[3] Srotriya has two interpretations: (1) well-versed in the Vedas, and (2) ontological divine knowledge received through the preceptorial channel. [4] Grihavrata: One who moves around the house or property, i.e., one who engages his sense organs and energy for the sake of material property and consequently becomes attached to it.
However, saints also remain in a house, so it is said that the house also signifies the wife and material life. One who moves around the wife or family, or engages the senses and energy for them, is considered a grihavrata.
The real self is the atma (soul), so the gross and subtle bodies are also like houses. One who devotes his energy for the gross and subtle bodies is also a grihavrata.
Since all grihavratas are embodied souls, by the unrestricted use of the sense organs they will all enter into nescience and into the inferno of material life. Six billion such enslaved corporeal souls of the world cannot rescue even a single person from the shackles of worldly bondage. A perfect emancipated realised soul can rescue the whole world or universe --- but such realised souls are very rare. If one wants quality, one must sacrifice quantity. It is impossible to get both at the same time.
---from "Dasavatara - The Ten Manifestations of God"

fonte - >

Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja Ki Jay!!!!

Srimad Bhagavatam

Srimad Bhagavatam

Canto 7: The Science of God 

Chapter One: The Supreme Lord Is Equal to Everyone Chapter Two: Hiranyakasipu, King of the Demons
Chapter Three: Hiranyakasipu's Plan to Become Immortal
Chapter Four: Hiranyakasipu Terrorizes the Universe
Chapter Five: Prahlada Maharaja, the Saintly Son of Hiranyakasipu
Chapter Six: Prahlada Instructs His Demoniac Schoolmates
Chapter Seven: What Prahlada Learned in the Womb
Chapter Eight: Lord Nrsimhadeva Slays the King of the Demons
Chapter Nine: Prahlada Pacifies Lord Nrsimhadeva with Prayers
Chapter Ten: Prahlada, the Best Among Exalted Devotees
Chapter Eleven: The Perfect Society: Four Social Classes
Chapter Twelve: The Perfect Society: Four Spiritual Classes
Chapter Thirteen: The Behavior of a Perfect Person
Chapter Fourteen: Ideal Family Life
Chapter Fifteen: Instructions for Civilized Human Beings


Nrsimha Caturdasi - Ekadasi

 by grupo Face Book


Featuring lectures, essays, and books on the science and cultivation of pure Bhakti by the Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja.
Jaya Srila Gurudeva !

The Story of Narasimha

Nrsimha kavacha for protection

Festival para Sri Nrsimhadeva em Belo Horizonte Minas Gerais

                  Sri Keshavaji Gaudiya Math BH - Brasil


Convidamos todos vocês a participarem do Transcendental Festival de Aparecimento do Deus Narasimha-dev - nesta segunda-feira 16 MAIO às 19:00h (Conheça a famosa história de Nrsimha e Praladha Maharaj).

E na terça-feira, 17 Maio, comemoraremos o aparecimento de Madhavendra Puri Pad. às 18:00h.


Banho da deidade Sri Nrsimhadeva

Bhajanan (música indiana)

Hari-Katha (palestra) a ser ministrada pelo monge Baladeva das Bramacary, sob a divina guia de Sri Guru, Narayana Maharaj, Srila Bhakti Vallabh Thirta Maharaj e demais acharyas.

Kirtana (canto congregacional com dança)

Prasadam (jantar vegetariano espiritualizado)

Ficaremos honrados com suas ilústres presenças.

Qualquer dúvida entrem em contato.

aspirando servir Sri Guru, Gouranga e Vaisnavas,

Krsna Mantra Das 


Queridos vashnavas

Por favor aceitem minhas humildes e resp rev
todas as glorias sejam p o fundador acarya maha bhagavata SRILA PRABHUPADA
   Estando em Sridham Mayapur, estava lendo o q alguns ja sabem. A Deidade de UGRA NRSINHA foi instalada aqui em 86 pq no ano de 84 entraram  20 ladroes armados que acabaram roubando SRIMATI RADHARANI. Os devotos(seguindo o exemplo de srila Bhaktivinoda e Bhaktisidhanta q quando foram atacados  instalaram as Deidades de Laksmi Nrsinha), entao iniciaram a tentativa de instalacao de UGRA (feroz)NRSINHA mas ninguem queria esculpir a Deidade, pois tinham medo e contaram uma situacao  em que tinha sidoinstalada NRSINHA numa vila e ela era adorada com pompa todo dia, ate c elefantes e tudo ia maravilhosamentew bem mas c o tempo o nivel de adoracao caiu e hoje a vila esta abandonada e quem tenta viver la nao encontra  paz.  Depois de 1 ano entao conseguiu-se alguem, mas a pedra p fazer a Deidade tem que ser uma PEDRA-VIVA ou seja as escrituras falam que batendo em sete pontos da pedra ela tem que emitir um certo som e tem um bichinho que come a pedra de um lado a outro e deixa um caminho nela, isto entao prova que esta e uma PEDRA VIVA. Depois de um ano ele encontrou a pedra e demorou mais um tempo p esculpir e quando estava quase pronta a casa do stapati(quem faz as deidades) pegou fogo e so sobrou o Senhor Nrsinha entao ele ligou p os devotos e disse,venham buscar a sua Deidade que Ele esta furioso e quer ser adorado. A papelada saiu rapidinho e os guardas nas estradas liberavam tudo pois todos tinham medo do Senhor Nrsinha ficar zangado e assim Ele chegou gloriosamente em Sridham  Mayapur .........e o resto  vcs ja sabem.........PROTETOR DOS DEVOTOS .....NRSINHADEVA  BHAGAVAM KY JAY....MILHOES DE REVERENCIAS AO SENHOR NRSINHA  e Seu devoto Pralada.
Seu pretendente a servo Satrunasa Das



Venha comemorar o festival de Nrsimha Caturdasi junto às Deidades no Adi-Templo, em São Paulo, e traga seus amigos e família para compartilhar de muita música e prasada!

O SENHOR NRSIMHADEVA é a encarnação de Krsna como um meio-homem e meio-leão que veio para proteger o devotado Prahlada de seu pai demoníaco, Hiranyakasipu (para mais detalhes, veja o Srimad-Bhagavatam, Sétimo Canto).

A festa acontece a partir das 19h, e teremos na programação bhajan e kirtan (canto de mantras devocional), palestra sobre o Senhor Nrsimhadeva, arati (cerimônia de adoração), um leilão especial de maha prasada e o tradicional banquete vegetariano gratuito!

Quem tiver interesse em participar do Festival levando, ou cozinhando no local, algumas das tradicionais preparações especiais para o Senhor Nrsimhadeva pode entrar em contato com Ravindra Gopala Das através do e-mail robinson.cosmologia@gmail.com . Também é possível levar frutas e legumes frescos, leite, creme de leite, leite condensado, açúcar, farinha, manteiga e outros ingredientes para colaborar com essas preparações.

Contamos com a presença de todos. Todas as glórias a Sri Guru e Gouranga! Todas as glórias a Sri Nrsimhadeva Bhagavan!

Departamento de Comunicação do Adi-Templo - São Paulo, SP, Brasil
O Adi-Templo Hare Krishna fica na Rua Tomás Gonçalves nº 70, Butantã, São Paulo, SP.

Telefone p/ informações: (11) 8496-3158.

Visite o site: 

http://www.harekrishnasp.com.br .

Hare Krsna   Hare Krsna   Krsna Krsna   Hare Hare
Hare Rama   Hare Rama   Rama Rama   Hare Hare

terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2010


Lectura subtitulada de Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami en ocasión de Narasimha Chaturdasi, Hawaii, 2007

segunda-feira, 29 de março de 2010

Quem é Nrsimhadeva?


De Hare Krsna The Best Channel



Quem é Nrsimhadeva?

“Hoje é o dia auspicioso do aparecimento do Senhor Nrsimhadeva. Quem é Nrsimhadeva? Ele é o próprio Krsna:

kesava dhrta narahari rupa

Krsna Kesava, Ele é o mesmo Kesava, mas não diretamente. Ele é não outro que não o cakra. O cakra de Krsna (arma em forma de roda ou disco) se tornou Nrsimhadeva, e onde quer que haja uma instalação do cakra de um templo, as preces são oferecidas para Nrsimhadeva.
A principal misericórdia do Senhor Nrsimhadeva é proteger os devotos. O cakra que salvou Ambarisa Maharaja era o próprio Nrsimhadeva, assim como o cakra que matou Sisupala também era Nrsimhadeva, pois não há diferença entre o Senhor Nrsimhadeva e o cakra. Todos os instrumentos (armas) nas mãos de Krsna se manifestam como Suas encarnações, encarnações de Visnu. Também pode ser dito que Suas encarnações são manifestações de Baladeva Prabhu.

Se você tiver qualquer dificuldade ou problema causado por demônios ou outros e chamar Nrsimhadeva, Ele irá vir e lhe salvar. Os vaisnavas têm, portanto, uma consideração especial por Nrsimhadeva. Nós não adoramos outras encarnações como Vamanadeva, Kurmadeva ou Kalki, mas adoramos Nrsimhadeva”.1

Sobre Sri Prahlada

“Quando Prahlada Maharaja voltou da escola dos professores ateístas Sanda e Amarka e falou ao seu pai sobre os princípios da consciência de Krsna, seu pai com raiva disse aos professores: ‘Vou cortar suas cabeças. Por que vocês ensinaram a Prahlada sobre serviço devocional a Visnu?’. Os professores responderam tremendo: ‘Não ensinamos isto a Prahlada. Não sabemos porque ele está falando sobre isso. Você pode perguntar a ele se nós lhe ensinamos isso’. Hiranyakasipu se voltou para Prahlada e perguntou: ‘Onde você aprendeu isto? Se estes dois não lhe falaram essas coisas, então quem falou? Por que você está corajosamente falando coisas sobre rendição a Visnu, meu inimigo?’.

Prahlada começou a responder: ‘Sim, vocês são cegos – esses professores e você. Vocês são demônios. Se vocês não tomam a poeira dos pés de lótus dos devotos Vaisnavas altamente qualificados sobre suas cabeças como ornamentos, a sua assim chamada inteligência irá lhe enviar para o inferno. Os assim chamados guru e discípulo irão ambos para o inferno’.

Hiranyakasipu ficou muito furioso e, pegando sua espada e maça, ordenou aos seus homens: ‘Tragam elefantes loucos e cobras venenosas e joguem sobre ele, de forma que o matem! Tragam veneno e dêem a ele a força! Tragam minha irmã para colocar fogo nele. Joguem-no de uma montanha no oceano e amarrem uma pedra para que ele se afogue!’. Eles fizeram isto, milhares de soldados vieram matá-lo, mas não puderam atingir o resultado esperado. Hiranyakasipu tornou-se ansioso e com medo, enquanto pensava: ‘Queria matá-lo, mas ele não está morrendo. E pode ser que eu seja morto por ele’. Sanda e Amarka chegaram e o consolaram dizendo: ‘Não se preocupe, você controlou Indra e todos os outros semideuses. Prahlada é como um mosquito comparado a eles. Por que você está tão ansioso? Espere um pouco que nosso pai Sukracarya saiu para meditar. Ele retornará em breve e fará de Prahlada um garoto muito bom. Não se preocupe’.

Eles levaram Prahlada com eles para a escola e começaram a lhe ensinar política, duplicidade, hipocrisia, diplomacia, como ganhar dinheiro e como governar um país – dividir e controlar. Prahlada não dizia nada nas aulas, simplesmente se lembrava de seu Senhor Krsna.
Um dia os professores disseram para Prahlada: ‘Vamos sair para um trabalho importante, então, por algum tempo, você deve tomar conta desses meninos como um monitor. Voltaremos logo’. Na ausência dos professores, os meninos começaram a brincar aqui e ali. Prahlada pediu a eles: ‘Não façam isso. Por favor, escutem pois vou falar algo que vai tornar suas vidas felizes’. (…)

Sri Prahlada lhes disse: ‘Se vocês não aceitarem a consciência de Krsna agora, então, mais tarde, como serão capazes de abandonar a absorção na sua vida de casados e em seus filhos pequenos? Se o seu pai for muito velho, como você será capaz de o abandonar? Seu filho pequeno irá lhe chamar muito amorosamente: papai, mamãe. Como você será capaz de abandonar a absorção neles? Seus belos jardins e belos cachorros – como você irá os abandonar? É melhor abandonar tudo que é material e cantar e lembrar-se do Senhor Krsna. Se vocês querem ser felizes, então pratiquem bhakti-yoga, serviço devocional ao Senhor Krsna’.

Os estudantes perguntaram: ‘Prahlada, você sempre assiste as aulas de Sanda e Amarka, então onde aprendeu esta filosofia?’

Prahlada Maharaja respondeu: ‘Nunca aprendi nada com esses falsos gurus. Meu guru é Sri Narada Rsi. Quando eu estava no ventre da minha mãe, aprendi toda essa filosofia de Sri Narada’. Então ele perguntou: ‘Vocês estão convencidos?’.

As crianças responderam: ‘Oh sim, estamos todos convencidos’.

‘Então venham comigo fazer sankirtana, o canto congregacional dos santos nomes do Senhor’. Prahlada então começou o sankirtana.

[Os devotos presentes na aula de Srila Narayana Maharaja também começaram o kirtana, mas foram interrompidos pela voz alta de Sripad Asrama Maharaja representando Hiranyakasipu, que foi, por sua vez, dilacerado por Sripad Mahibharata dasa representando o Senhor Nrsimhadeva numa peça de dois minutos.]

Obrigado pela sua bela demonstração. Em um momento, o Senhor Nrsimhadeva tirou os intestinos de Hiranyakasipu e colocou-os em torno de Seu pescoço começando a rugir. Sua juba começou a voar no ar e fez com que parecesse que o mundo inteiro estava terminando. Ele estava tão furioso que o Senhor Brahma, o Senhor Sankara, Sri Laksmi devi e todas as outras grandes personalidades que chegaram para assistir a cena pensaram: ‘Oh, ele irá destruir o universo inteiro.’ Eles pediram ao Senhor Brahma: ‘Você é filho dEle, você deve ir e apaziguá-lo’. O Senhor Brahma fez uma objeção: ‘Oh, desta vez eu não posso ir’.

Os semideuses então pediram que o Senhor Sankara apaziguasse o Senhor, mas ele disse: ‘Eu não posso ir’. Depois eles perguntaram a Laksmi devi: ‘Laksmi Devi, você está sempre O servindo e massageando no mundo espiritual. Por favor, vá e acalme-O’. Ela respondeu: ‘Hoje eu não posso ir’. Brahma e outros então pediram a Prahlada: ‘Você pode fazê-lo, você deve ir’.

Ouvindo isto Prahlada, mui corajosamente e sem nenhum medo, pulou no colo do Senhor Nrsimhadeva. Ao ver Prahlada, o Senhor Nrsimhadeva começou a chorar pesaroso com muitas lágrimas fluindo de Seus olhos. Ele começou a lamber o corpo de Prahlada, como uma leoa lambe sua cria – porque ele estava na sua forma metade animal e metade leão. Após isto Ele falou a Prahlada: ‘Estou muito desconcertado que eu Me atrasei. Seu pai lhe causou tantos problemas – ele até mesmo tentou lhe matar – e Eu Me atrasei. Perdoe-Me por este atraso e receba qualquer benção que você quiser’.

Prahlada Maharaja disse: ‘Não sou um comerciante. Não quero pedir nada ou aceitar qualquer benção em troca pelo meu serviço a Você’.
‘Prahlada você deve pedir uma benção, porque você ter me visto não deve ser em vão. Você pode pedir qualquer benção – para Me satisfazer; senão Eu não ficarei satisfeito’. Prahlada disse: ‘Por favor, perdoe meu pai e o libere’.

‘Está feito’.

‘Como está feito?’

‘Vinte e uma gerações de um uttama-adhikari, classe de Vaisnava mais elevada, serão liberados, mesmo se as gerações de membros familiares sejam não-devotos. Para aqueles que são madhyama-adhikari, devotos da segunda-classe, seus antepassados de catorze gerações serão liberados. Mesmo que a pessoa seja um kanistha, um devoto neófito, mas que sinceramente cante e se lembre de Krsna, então sete gerações serão facilmente liberadas. Seu pai está na primeira geração, portanto, ele será certamente liberado. Agora peça uma benção’.

Prahlada disse: ‘Se Você quer me dar uma benção, permita que eu viva neste mundo por muitos anos sofrendo os problemas que todos receberam devido às reações das suas atividades pecaminosas, e a dor da interminável cadeia de nascimentos e mortes – assim todos serão liberados, dos mais caídos aos mais elevados’.

‘Como pode ser isto?’, o Senhor Nrsimhadeva perguntou.

Sri Prahlada disse: ‘Você pode fazer isto muito facilmente, porque Você vem pelos seus devotos. Todos os seres vivos são partes integrantes de Você e Seus servos eternos. Desta forma eu sei que Você pode certamente liberá-los’.

O Senhor Nrsimhadeva disse: ‘Se alguém ouvir, lembrar ou contar aos outros sobre nossos passatempos, tal pessoa será certamente liberada. Ela será gradualmente liberada – primeiro abrigando-se em Sri Gurudeva através de instrução e iniciação’.

Sri Prahlada Maharaja jamais pediu salvação ou ayujya mukti, a liberação impessoal de se fundir na refulgência do Senhor Supremo. Ele rejeitou tudo que era material e, portanto, ele é um parama-bhagavata de alta classe, um grande devoto. Nrsimhadeva lhe disse: ‘Você será o exemplo ideal’.

As pessoas irão dizer: ‘Sempre seja um grande devoto como Prahlada Maharaja’ ou ainda ‘Ele é um devoto como Prahlada Maharaja’. Sempre que o assunto sobre bhakti, serviço devocional puro surgir, as pessoas dirão: “Oh, Prahlada Maharaja era um maha-bhagavata, um devoto puro. Tantas dificuldades ocorreram em sua vida, mas ele tolerou todas elas. Ele nuncou amaldiçou seu pai ou respondeu com palavras grosseiras’.

Devemos tentar realizar essas verdade e praticar bhakti-yoga como Prahlada Maharaja. (…)

Por que o Senhor Nrsimhadeva apareceu de um pilar? Ele agiu assim para tornar verdadeiras as palavras de seu devoto. Antes de ser morto, Hiranyakasipu perguntara a Prahlada: ‘Onde está o seu Senhor? Você já O viu?’. Prahlada respondeu: “Oh sim, Ele está em toda parte. Não existe lugar em que Ele não esteja. Ele está no interior do átomo, no coração das entidades vivas – em todos os lugares’.

Você acredita nisso?

[Devotos:] Sim.

Então saibam que o Senhor Krsna está vendo vocês, em toda parte e em todas as circunstâncias. Se você está roubando ou fazendo algo sem sentido, as outras pessoas podem não perceber o que você está fazendo, mas Ele sabe. Ele está em todos os lugares.

Então Hiranyakasipu falou: ‘Ele está nesse pilar?’. Prahlada respondeu: ‘Certamente’. Hiranyakasipu então ergueu sua maça e golpeou o pilar. Um rugido alto veio do pilar. Hiranyakasipu assustado começou a olhar em volta: ‘De onde este som está vindo?’. Então Ele viu que vinha do pilar.

O Senhor Nrsimhadeva é tão misericordioso que veio para cumprir a maldição dada pelos Quatro Kumaras para Jaya e Vijaya, os dois guardiões do portão de Vaikuntha. Eles tinham sido almadiçoados a vir a este mundo como Hiranyakasipu e seu irmão e para cumprir também a benção que Brahma deu para Hiranyakasipu. Hiranyakasipu não podia ser morto pela criação de ninguém, nem dia nem de noite, em nenhum mês do ano, nem por nenhuma arma. Para tornar as palavras do Senhor Brahma verdadeiras, o Senhor Nrsimhadeva no por do sol, que não é nem dia nem noite. Ele não morreu nem no céu nem na terra, pois o Senhor Nrsimhadeva o ergueu e colocou em Seu colo. Ele não morreu nem dentro nem fora de um cômodo, pois o Senhor Nrsimhadeva matou-o na escada da porta. E ele não morreu por qualquer arma, pois o Senhor Nrsimhadeva o matou com Suas unhas. Ele rasgou Hiranyakasipu e pegou seus intestinos.

Então o Senhor Nrsimhadeva saiu do pilar e Hiranyakasipu viu que Ele está em toda parte. Você pode pensar: ‘Estou sozinho quando faço coisas sem sentido’, mas Ele verá. Seus olhos são o sol e a lua e Ele está em todos os átomos do ar.

O Senhor Nrsimhadeva queria testar Prahlada oferecendo-lhe bençãos, para ver se ele queria ser enganado por elas. O Senhor lhe ofereceu sayujya-mukti que fora dada a Sisupala. Ele ofereceu-lhe a salvação quetantos sábios e Maharsis, reis santos, na linha de Sankaracarya não podem atingir em milhares de nascimentos. Nrsimhadeva poderia dar isto mui facilmente a Prahlada, mas Prahlada recusou tudo isso. Ele repetidamente pediu que Prahlada aceitasse, mas ele recusou.

Prahlada disse: ‘Não sou um negociante. Não aceitarei uma benção em troca do meu serviço a Você. O que falar de sayujya- mukti, liberação impessoal, nem sequer tenho um desejo pessoal de estar nos planetas espirituais de Vaikuntha. Não quero nenhuma remuneração’.

O Senhor Nrsimhadeva perguntou: ‘O que você quer?’. Sri Prahlada falou: ‘Por favor, seja misericordioso com todas as entidades vivas. Assim ficarei satisfeito e Você também ficará satisfeito. Porque Você é bhakta-vatsala, Você tem um desejo ilimitado de satisfazer Seus devotos e sabe que todos os seres vivos são Seus servos eternos, por favor, seja misericordioso e dê essa benção a todos. E, se Você quiser, eu ficarei aqui neste mundo para sempre sofrendo todas as reações pecaminosas deles. Ó, Acyuta, Senhor infalível, não me importo de aceitar centenas de milhares de nascimentos – mas quero que, onde quer que eu esteja, possa receber a associação elevada dos Seus devotos puros e sempre Lhe adorar. Não quero nada mais’.

Sri Laksmi devi, Garuda, o Senhor Brahma, o Senhor Sankara e muitas outras grandes personalidades estavam presentes, mas o Senhor Nrsimhadeva deu preferência a Prahlada Maharaja. Ele disse: ‘Não pude enganá-lo. Você Me conquistou. Eu não favoreço Sankarsana, Minha Laksmi devi, Meu mensageiro e carregador Garuda ou o Senhor Brahma tanto quanto Eu favoreço Você’.

Sri Prahlada Maharaja nunca se preocupou com qualquer problema que surgiu em sua vida e cumpriu sua missão em um período muito curto. Seu pai queria matá-lo, mas ele nunca se preocupou. Se a morte está para vir, ela virá; e você não será capaz de fazer nada para se proteger. Prahlada Maharaja era muito corajoso; vocês também devem ser como ele. Estou falando todas essas verdades para vocês. Se a morte está vindo, ou se tantos problemas e sofrimentos estão vindo, tente manter seus pés sobre as cabeças de todos eles. Não se exaspere. Tente fazer bhajana, cantar e se lembrar de Krsna sem nenhuma hesitação e sem considerar nenhum obstáculo. Este é o ensinamento de Sri Prahlada Maharaja”. 2

Jaya Srila Gurudeva pativa pavana !!!


A história da encarnação do Senhor Krsna como o Senhor Nrsimhadeva é muito bela, e retrata fortemente o amor e proteção de Deus por seu devoto puro e sincero. Como Nrsimhadeva, ou Nrsimhadeva-Bhagavan, Deus (Bhagavan) demostra Sua mais terrível ira a quem importuna e age de forma melevolente contra as entidades de bom coração e devoção amorosa, defendendo Bhakta Prahlada de seu pai demoníaco, Hiranyakashipur. Por isso, o Senhor Nrsimhadeva é a encarnação de Krsna mais invocado pelo devoto quando se trata de proteção: seja espiritual ou material.

Aqui um resumo dessa história:

Hiranyaksa foi morto pela encarnação de Vishnu conhecida como Senhor Varaha. Conseqüentemente, seu irmão, Hiranyakasipu, o rei dos demônios, ficou muito determinado em se tornar o imperador do universo inteiro e se vingar da morte de seu irmão. Por causa de seu grande poder, ele executou muitas austeridades. Esta penitência foi tão severa que perturbou os semideuses. De fato, os semideuses pediram ao Senhor Brahma para pará-lo. O chefe dos semideuses, Senhor Brahma, assim descendeu para pacificá-lo concedendo-lhe uma benção de sua escolha.

"Por favor conceda-me que eu nunca seja morto por nenhuma entidade viva," pediu Hiranyakasipu, "que eu não morra dentro ou fora de nenhuma residência, durante o dia ou noite, nem no chão, nem no céu; que eu não seja morto por nenhuma criação sua, nem por nenhuma arma, nem por qualquer ser humano ou animal naturalmente, que eu não conheça a morte por nenhuma entidade, sendo móvel ou imóvel; que eu não tenha rival; que eu seja o único dominador sobre todas as entidades e deidades superintendentes, e que eu adquira todos os poderes místicos." Depois de Brahma ter concedido a ele todos esses pedidos, Hiranyakasipu muito rapidamente conquistou todos os planetas do universo, e tomou a residência no palácio do Senhor Indra, o rei dos semideuses, forçando-os a se curvar diante seus pés. Ele, ainda, roubava as oblações feitas aos semideuses. Intoxicado fisicamente pelo vinho e mentalmente pelo poder, Hiranyakasipu reinou o universo muito duramente. Durante esta época, sua rainha, Kayadhu, voltou ao palácio de seu esposo e deu a ele, um filho, Prahlada. Ele era o reservatório de todas as qualidades transcendentais pois era um devoto puro do Senhor Vishnu. Determinado a entender a Verdade Absoluta, ele tinha completo controle de todos seus sentidos e mente, ele era muito bondoso com todas as entidades vivas e o melhor amigo de todos. Para respeitáveis pessoas ele se comportava justamente como um servo pacífico, para os pobres ele era como um pai, e para o restante era sempre como um simpático irmão. Sempre muito humilde, ele considerava seus professores e mestres espirituais tão bons quanto o próprio Senhor. De fato, ele era completamente livre de orgulho e que mesmo tendo nascido no meio da riqueza, beleza, e aristocracia. Hiranyakasipu queria criar seu filho como um poderoso demônio, mas Prahlada somente queria aprender sobre serviço devocional ao Senhor Vishnu. Depois de Prahlada ter freqüentado a escola por algum tempo, Hiranyakasipu o tomou em seu colo e afetuosamente pediu, "Meu querido filho, por favor me diga qual seu assunto favorito na escola."

Sem medo, Prahlada disse, "Ouvir (sravanam) e cantar (kirtanam) os santos nomes, formas, qualidades, parafernália, e passatempos do Senhor Supremo; lembrando (smaranam) deles; servindo os pés de lótus do Senhor (pada-sevanam); oferecendo ao Senhor respeitosas reverências e adoração nos seus dezesseis tipos de parafernália (arcanam); oferecendo orações ao Senhor (vandanam); tornando-se Seu servo (dasyam); considerando o Senhor como o melhor amigo (sakhyam); e se rendendo a Ele (atma-nivedanam, em outras palavras, servindo-O com seu corpo, mente e palavras); estes nove processos são conhecidos como serviço devocional puro, e eu considero qualquer um que tenha se dedicado ao serviço ao Senhor Vishnu através desses nove métodos sendo a pessoa mais erudita, por ele ter adquirido conhecimento completo."

Cego de ódio, Hiranyakasipu lançou Prahlada do seu colo ao chão. "Servos! Leve-o daqui e mate de uma vez!" ele gritou. Porém, Prahlada sentou em silêncio e meditou na Personalidade de Deus, e as armas dos demônios não faziam efeito nele. Vendo isto, Hiranyakasipu ficou com medo e planejou diversos modos de matar seu filho. Seus servos lançaram Prahlada por baixo dos pés de um elefante; eles o lançaram no meio de temerosas e venenosas cobras; eles o lançaram muitos feitiços; eles o atiraram de um topo de montanha; eles deram veneno a ele; eles o deixaram com fome; eles o expuseram ao rígido frio, ventanias, fogo e água; eles atiraram fortes pedras para esmagá-lo. Hiranyakasipu então mandou sua irmã Holika queimá-lo, mas ela é quem foi queimada. Mas, apesar de tudo, Prahlada estava simplesmente absorto em pensar em Vishnu, e assim ele permaneceu são e salvo. Hiranyakasipu ficou muito inquieto pensando em qual seria o próximo plano. "Você diz que há um ser superior a mim," disse Hiranyakasipu, "mas onde está Ele? Se Ele está presente em todos os lugares, então por que Ele não está presente nesta pilastra diante a você? Você acha que ele está neste pilar?" "Sim," Prahlada respondeu, "Ele está." A raiva de Hiranyakasipu crescia mais e mais. "Por falar de coisas sem sentido, eu irei cortar sua cabeça do seu corpo. Agora deixe-me ver seu mais adorável Senhor protegendo você. Eu quero vê-lO." Amaldiçoando-o cada vez mais, Hiranyakasipu tomou sua espada, saiu de seu trono, e com grande fúria golpeou primeiro no meio da pilastra. Então, do meio do pilar que ele acabara de cortar apareceu uma maravilhosa forma metade homem, metade leão nunca vista antes. A forma do Senhor era extremamente bela por causa de Seus olhos furiosos, o qual pareciam com ouro fundido; Sua juba brilhante, a qual expandia a refulgência de Sua temerosa face; Seus dentes fatais; e Sua língua afiada como navalha. Senhor Nrsimha então procedeu a batalha com Hiranyakasipu. Finalmente, Senhor Nrsimha capturou Hiranyakasipu o colocou em Seu colo, na porta de entrada de seu palácio. Ele então rasgou o demônio em pedaços com algumas de Suas muitas, muitas mãos e poderosas unhas. A boca do Senhor Nrsimha e juba se tornavam regadas com gotas de sangue, e Seus ferozes olhos, cheios de fúria, eram impossíveis de olhar. Lambendo a margem de Sua boca com Sua língua, o Supremo Senhor, O decorou Ele mesmo com uma guirlanda feita com os intestinos retirados de Hiranyakasipu. Senhor Nrsimha arrancou o coração de Hiranyakasipu e finalmente o lançou aparte e destruiu um exército dos seguidores de Hiranyakasipu. Pela Sua transcendental inteligência, Senhor Nrsimhadeva foi capaz de matar Hiranyakasipu sem contradizer nenhuma das bênçãos dadas pelo Senhor Brahma. A execução não foi nem dentro ou fora, mas na entrada; nem na terra nem no céu, mas no colo do Senhor; nem durante o dia, nem durante a noite, mas no crepúsculo; nem por homem, besta, ou semideus nem por qualquer ser criado, mas pela Personalidade de Deus; e nem por nenhuma arma, mas pelas mãos de lótus do Senhor, aliviando todo o universo das atividades demoníacas de Hiranyakasipu. Tendo sido protegido pelo Senhor, Prahlada Maharaja ofereceu muitas orações ao Senhor com a voz engasgada por amor: "Meu querido Senhor Nrsimhadeva, por favor, por essa razão, permita Sua fúria diminua, agora que meu demoníaco pai Hiranyakasipu foi morto. . . [As pessoas santas] sempre lembrarão da Sua bela e auspiciosa encarnação, para libertá-los do medo. Deste modo, meu Senhor, Você apareceu em variadas encarnações como um ser humano, um animal, um grande santo, um semideus, um peixe ou uma tartaruga, assim mantendo Sua criação em diferentes sistemas planetários e matando os princípios demoníacos." (Veja o Srimad Bhagavatam, 7º Canto, Cap. 1-10).

(fonte: Krishna.com)

Jaya Nrsimhadeva Ki Jaya!!!

S'rî Nrisimha Pranâma


S'rî Nrisimha Pranâma

'Prayers to Lord Nrisimha'

(Dm C Bb Am Bb C Dm)

(Dm AmIIDm)
namas te narasimhâya R
My reverence to You Lord Nrsimha,

(Dm C Dm)
prahlâdâhlâda-dâyine R
who pleased Prahlâda Maharâj.

(Dm AmIIDm)
hiranyakas'ipor vaksah- R
who Hiranyakasipor his breast,

(Dm C Dm)
s'ilâ-thanka-nakhâlaye R
stonelike with His nails as chisels.

(Dm AmIIDm)
ito nrisimhah parato nrisimho R
Here Lord Nrsimha, there Lord Nrsimha,

(Dm C Dm)
yato yato yâmi tato nrisimhah R
wherever I go, there Lord Nrsimha,

(Dm AmIIDm)
bahir nrisimho hridaye nrisimho R
Outside Lord Nrsimha, Lord Nrsimha in the heart,

(Dm C Dm)
nrisimham adim s'aranam prapadye R
to Nrsimha the origin, the highest refuge, I surrender.


(Dm AmII C)
tava kara-kamala-vare nakham
Your hand like a lotus beautiful

(C Dm)
Your nails brilliantly pointed,

(C Am II Dm)
ripped apart Hiranyakasipu, his wasp body.

kes'ava dhrita-narahari-rûpa
Kesava Lord of man, took the form of a lion,

(Dm AmIIC)
jaya jagadîs'a hare
all honor to the Lord of the Universe,

(C AmII)
jaya jagadîs'a hare,
all honor to the Lord of the Universe,

(Bb I C Dm)
jaya jagadîs'a hare R
all honor to the Lord of the Universe,


(Gm Dm)
jaya nrisimhadeva, jaya nrisimhadeva
All glories to Nrsimhadev , all glories to Nrsimhadev,

(C Dm)
jaya nrisimhadeva, jaya nrisimhadeva R
all glories to Nrsimhadev , all glories to Nrsimhadev.


(Gm Dm)
jaya prahlâda mahârâja, jaya prahlâda mahârâja
All glories to Prahlâd Mahârâj, all glories to Prahlâd Mahârâj,

(C Dm)
jaya prahlâda mahârâja, jaya prahlâda mahârâja R
All glories to Prahlâd Mahârâj, all glories to Prahlâd Mahârâj,

(Dm C Bb Am Bb C Dm)


Nrisimha-Bhagavân ki...jaya
Prahlâda Mahârâja ki...jaya
Gaur-premânanda Haribol.



Each name is followed by it's text number. An asterisk (*) separates each entry.

Abhayankara-simha 118 * Abhista-dayaka 167 * Abhuta 98 * Adbhuta-karma 64 * Adhoksaja 42 * Adhvatita 65 * Adi-deva 23 * Adrpta-nayana 139 * Agalad-vaisnava 79 * Agha-hari 25 * Agha-mardi 127 * Aghora 23 * Aghora-virya 24 * Agni-netra 132 166 * Aho-ratram 89 * Ajaya 23 * Ajita-kari 147 * Akaradi-hakaranta 94 * Akhanda-tattva-rupa 113 * Akrura 21 * Aksa-mali 105 * Aksaya 23 * Aksobhya 62 * Amara-priya 166 * Amita 62 * Amita-tejah 57 * Amitaujah 62 * Amogha 25 * Amrta 62 * Ana 63 * Ana-bhuk 63 * Ana-rupa 63 * Anabher-brahmano-rupa 79 * Anada 63 * Anadi 98 * Anagha 25 * Ananta 47 62 98 * Ananta-gati 117 * Ananta-simha-simha 117 * Anantananta-rupa 52 * Anda-ja 148 * Anekatma 95 * Aniruddha 62 * Antariksa 88 * Antariksa-sthita 116 * Antri-mali 112 * Apamrtyu-vinasa 63 * Apasmara-vighati 63 * Aprameya 62 * Apramita 18 105 * Arakta-rasana 140 * Arupa 22 * Asani-pramita 72 * Asi-carma-dhara 106 * Asirsad-randhra 79 * Astra-rupa 100 * Asura-ghati 153 * Atharva-sirah 72 * Atindriya 151 * Atma-jyotih 92 * Atma-rupa 99 * Atreya 132 * Atta-hasa 7 * Avighna 43 * * Bahu-rupa 100 * Bahu-simha-svarupi 118 * Bahu-srnga 50 * Bahu-yojana-hastanghri 77 * Bahu-yojana-mayata 77 * Bahu-yojana-nasika 77 * Bahu-yojana-vistirna 77 * Bala 28 * Bala-graha-vinasa 161 * Balarama 131 * Bhadra-rupa 101 * Bhairava 112 * Bhakta-vatsala 166 * Bhakti-gamya 145 * Bhargava-rama 130 * Bharta 91 * Bhasa 8 * Bhasaka 73 * Bhava 124 * Bhava-suddha 157 * Bhavisnu 88 * Bhesaja 104 * Bhima-vikramana 146 * Bhisa-daya 146 * Bhisana 112 * Bhisana-bhadra-simha 82 * Bhisma 146 * Bhrajisnu 88 * Bhrgave 45 * Bhu-padmoddharana 68 * Bhuta 44 * Bhuta-garbha-ghrna-nidhi 108 * Bhuta-graha-vinasa 45 * Bhuta-pala 44 * Bhuta-samyaman 45 * Bhuta-vasa 8 44 * Bhuta-vetala-ghata 44 * Bhuta-vigraha 98 * Bhutadhipati 44 * Bhutaghna 43 * Bhuti 44 * Bhuvanaika-simha 83 * Bija 55 * Biji 55 * Brahma 69 * Brahma-brahmatma 70 * Brahma-da 70 * Brahma-garbha 108 * Brahma-rupa 69 * Brahma-rupa-dhara 69 * Brahma-sirah 71 * Brahmacari 133 * Brahmana 70 * Brahmanya 70 * Brahmesa 159 * Brhad-garbha 108 * Brhal-loka 97 * Brhat-simha 115 * Brmhita-bhuta-simha 82 * Buddha 131 * Buddha-rupa 131 * Budhi-priya 158 * * Cakri 20 * Canda 112 * Canda-simha 117 * Catur-atma 95 * Catur-bhuja 95 * Catur-damstra 95 * Catur-murti 95 * Catur-veda-mayottama 95 * Catur-vimsati-rupa 156 * Cid-ambara 32 * Cid-rupa 150 * Citra 54 * Citra-bhanu 54 55 * Citra-kurma 54 * Citra-virya 53 * * Daityari 140 * Daksa 24 * Daksinarya 24 * Damodara 104 * Danavanta-kara 104 * Danda-dhara 112 * Danta 104 * Daya-simha-rupa 168 * Deva 37 51 70 * Deva-devesa 163 * Dhairya 53 * Dhama 102 * Dhamadhipati 102 * Dhananjaya 9 * Dhanvi 9 * Dhanya 9 * Dhara 103 137 * Dharadharagha-dharma 103 * Dharanabhirata 103 * Dharma 41 * Dharma-netra 167 * Dharma-vasa 9 * Dharmadhyaksa 41 * Dharmartha-kama-moksa 157 * Dhata 103 * Dhumra-simha 115 * Dhurandhara 137 * Dhurjit 108 * Dhurta 137 * Dhyana-gamya 102 * Dhyayi 102 * Dhyeya-gamya 102 * Dipta 17 * Dipta-rupa 17 * Disa-srotra 37 * Divya-simha 80 * Drdha 126 * Drpta 139 * Drpta-vaktra 139 * Druma 138 * Duranta 138 * Durasa 139 * Durbheda 139 * Durdana 138 * Durdhara 137 138 * Durita-ksaya 164 * Durlabha 139 * Durmada 138 * Durniriksya 138 * Dusta-graha-nihanta 162 * Dvadasatma 155 * Dvi-srnga 49 * Dvija 132 * * Eka-srnga 49 * Ekatma 95 155 * * Gabhira 66 * Gada-padma-dhara 143 * Gandharva 66 * Garbha 108 * Garistha 57 * Garjita 66 * Garuda-dhvaja 165 * Gati 99 * Gavam-pati 65 * Ghoradhyaksa 24 * Ghoraghora-tara 23 * Go-hita 65 * Gopa 65 * Gopta 91 * Grhastha 133 * Grhesa 159 * Gudakesa 14 * Guha-vasa 135 * Guhya 135 * Guna 10 * Gunaugha 25 * Gupta 135 * Guru 99 135 * * Hanta-kara 94 * Hari 22 75 * Haridra-simha 115 * Harisa 14 * Harta 91 * Hatha 59 * Hayagriva 160 * Hiranya-kavaca 109 * Hiranya-nayana 110 * Hiranya-retah 111 * Hiranya-srnga 111 * Hiranya-vadana 111 * Hiranya-varna-deha 110 * Hiranyagarbha 109 * Hiranyakasipor-hanta 110 * Hiranyaksa-vinasi 110 * Hrsta 56 * Hrt-padma-vasa 68 * * Idya 152 * Ina 152 * Indira-pati 151 * Indranuja 151 * Indriya 151 * Indriya-jna 151 * Isana 79 152 * Isita 152 * Ista-dayi 57 * Isvara 91 * * Jagad-vasya 7 * Jahnavi-janaka 149 * Jala-sayi 52 * Jala-stha-simha 116 * Jala-vasa 7 * Jalesa 15 * Jamadagna 147 * Janardana 149 * Japa-kusuma-varna 148 * Japita 148 * Japya 148 * Jara-janmadi-dura 149 * Jarayuja 148 * Jata-vedah 147 * Jati 147 * Jaya 30 * Jaya-dhvaja 165 * Jihva-raudra 150 * Jisnu 88 * Jita 147 * Jitari 109 * Jiva 147 * Jnana 155 * Jnanatmaka 155 * Jvala-jihva 19 * Jvala-mala-svarupa 19 * Jvali 19 * Jyestha 57 * Jyotih 93 * Jyotir 93 * Jyotisam 93 * * Kacchapa 129 * Kad-rudra 150 * Kala 11 19 * Kala-cakra 20 * Kala-dhvaja 165 * Kala-murti-dhara 19 * Kaladhyaksa 42 * Kalagni-rudra-simha 117 * Kalana 20 * Kalantaka 20 * Kalki 131 * Kalpa 20 * Kalpana 33 * Kalpatita 32 * Kalpita-kalpa-simha 83 * Kama 143 * Kama-pala 143 * Kama-rupa-dhara 144 * Kama-vihara 144 * Kamada-kama-simha 83 * Kamandalu-dhara 113 * Kamesvara 143 * Kami 143 * Kamsa-pradhvamsa-kari 131 * Kanthi-rava 59 * Kapila 132 * Karala-vadana 107 * Karana 91 * Kari-carma-vasana 107 * Karta 91 * Karuna-kara 167 * Karuna-sindhu 164 * Kavi 108 * Kesava 16 * Kesi 14 * Kesi-kantha 58 * Kesi-simha-raka 15 * Khadga-jihva 8 * Khadga-vasa 8 * Khadgi 8 * Khagendra 126 * Khanda-simha 113 * Khatvanga-hasta 126 * Kheta-mudgara-pani 126 * Kiriti 75 * Krama 21 * Kranta-loka-traya 22 * Krpa-kara 93 * Krsna 74 * Krt 20 * Krtagama 97 * Krtaghna 21 * Krtanta 21 * Krtatma 21 * Krtavarta 97 * Krti 21 * Krtivasa 21 * Kruddha 22 * Krura-simha 80 * Ksaya 23 * Ksetra 132 * Ksirabdhi-sayana 134 * Kula 16 * Kundali 75 * Kusesaya 16 * Kusmanda-gana-natha 146 * * Laksa 73 * Laksana 73 * Laksana-jna 73 * Lala 72 * Lalita 72 * Lasad-ghora 24 * Lasad-ripra 74 * Lavanya 73 * Lavitra 73 * Linga 50 * Lipra 74 * Loka-dhara 97 * Loka-guru 96 * Loka-karaka 94 * Loka-karta 97 * Loka-locana 96 * Loka-nayaka 96 * Loka-pati 96 * Loka-priya 96 * Loka-saksi 96 * Loka-svarupa 93 * Lokadhyaksa 41 * Lokaloka-maya 97 * Lokatma 96 * Lokesa 96 * Luntha 59 * * Mada 52 * Madada 52 * Madhava 53 * Madhu-kaitabha-hanta 53 * Madhusudana 163 * Maha-bala 78 * Maha-bhuja 78 * Maha-bhuta 45 * Maha-damstra 56 78 * Maha-deva 51 * Maha-hasa 6 135 * Maha-jihva 38 * Maha-kaya 78 * Maha-maya-prasuta 51 * Maha-nada 78 * Maha-netra 166 * Maha-raudra 78 * Maha-rupa 78 * Maha-simha 75 * Maha-srnga 50 * Maha-teja 55 * Maha-vaktra 78 * Maha-vira 54 * Maha-virya 53 * Mahatma 50 * Mahaujah 130 * Mahesa 159 * Maho-jvala 19 * Mahodara 52 * Mali 26 * Manda 52 * Mangalya 50 * Mani 67 * Manmatha 107 * Manojna 50 * Mantavya 50 * Mantra-raja 60 * Mantra-rupa 100 * Mantri 60 * Manu 62 * Marici 49 * Masa 89 * Mata 99 * Mati 99 * Matsya-svarupa 129 * Matulinga-dhara 51 * Maya 54 * Mayatita 54 * Mayi 51 52 * Megha-nada 25 * Megha-syama 26 * Meghatma 25 * Mitra 42 * Mogha-vahana-rupa 26 * Mrga-griva 147 * Mrgendra 126 * Mrtyunjaya 9 * Mugdha 158 * Mukha 124 * Mula 115 * Mula-simha 115 * Muladhivasa 136 * Muladhyaksa 42 * Muladi-vasa 9 * Mumuksu 133 * Muni 158 * Munja 14 * Munja-kesa 14 * Murari 53 * * Nada 25 * Nadi-vasa 127 * Nadya 64 * Naga 127 128 * Naga-keyura-hara 127 * Naganta-karatha 128 * Nagendra 126 127 * Nagesvara 128 * Nakha-damstrayudha 28 * Namita 128 * Nana-rupa-dhara 127 * Nara 128 * Nara-narayana 128 * Narasimha 118 119 * Neta 98 * Nibandha 12 13 * Nigrahanugraha 162 * Nila 11 114 * Nila-simha 114 * Nila-vastra-dhara 136 * Nimesa 12 * Nimesa-gamana 12 * Nira 10 * Nirakara 94 * Nirakrti 13 * Niralamba 11 * Niranjana 10 * Nirasa 12 * Niravadya 64 * Nirdvandva 12 * Nirguna 10 * Nirjita-kala-simha 83 * Nirmala 13 * Nirmala-citra-simha 82 * Nirmoha 13 * Nirukta 123 * Nirvana-prada 11 * Nisa-srnga 111 * Nisatha 59 * Niscaya 12 * Niskala 11 * Nisprapanca 11 * Nistha 138 * Nitya 13 * Nivida 11 * Niyamaka 98 * Nrsimha 55 * * Omkara 94 * * Padma 67 * Padma-garbha 108 * Padma-kalpodbhava 68 * Padma-nabha 67 * Padma-netra 67 69 * Padmabha 67 * Padmayah-pati 67 * Padmesa 15 * Padmodara 68 * Paksa 89 * Panca-bana-dhara 143 * Panca-brahmatma 71 * Panca-rupa-dhara 100 * Panca-vimsati-murti 156 * Pantha 18 * Papa-hari 4 * Para-brahma-svarupa 71 * Para-karma-vidhayi 106 * Para-pradhvamsaka 142 * Param-jyotih 92 * Paramatma 22 * Paramesti 56 * Parat-para-paresa 4 * Paratma 155 * Paritosa 141 * Parjanya 66 * Parvata-vasi 116 * Parvataranya 88 * Pasi 4 * Pasu-pala 132 * Pasu-vaktra 132 * Patala-sthita-simha 116 * Pati 93 * Patya 141 * Pavana 4 * Pavitra 4 * Phani-talpa 33 * Pinaki 4 * Pingaksa 49 * Pisaca-graha-ghati 161 * Pita 99 * Pita-simha 114 * Pita-vastra 136 * Prabha 125 * Prabhanjana 18 * Prabhavisnu 74 * Prabhu 17 * Prabodha 17 158 * Prabuddha 66 * Pracchinna 17 * Pracetah 150 * Pradhana-purusa 66 * Pradipta 17 * Pradyumna 149 * Prahlada-varada 3 * Prajadhyaksa 41 * Prajvala 18 * Prakasa 18 * Prakhyata 125 * Pralobhi 17 * Prama 18 * Pramatta 140 * Pramodi 149 * Pranah 92 * Praninam 92 * Prasanna 4 * Prastuta 51 * Pratapa 18 * Pratyag-atma 92 * Pratyaksa-varada 3 * Priyam-vada 159 * Prthivi 88 * Puccha-simha 81 * Pundarikaksa 164 * Punya 5 * Punya-netra 167 * Purana-purusa 5 * Purna-simha 81 * Purodha 6 * Puru-huta 5 * Puru-stuta 5 * Purvaja 6 * Puskaraksa 6 * Puspa-hasa 6 * Pusta 56 * Pusti-kara 56 * Puta 68 * * Ragi 16 * Raksoghna 43 * Rakta-gandhanulepi 137 * Rakta-jihva 16 * Rakta-mala-vibhusa 137 * Rakta-simha 114 * Rakta-vastra-dhara 136 * Rama 149 154 * Rana-simha-rupa 168 * Rasajna 140 * Rasesa 140 * Rasika 141 * Rathya 141 * Raudra-simha 81 * Ravananta-kara 130 * Rg-yajuh-sama-ga 59 * Rosa 7 * Rtu 89 * Rtu-dhvaja 60 * Rudra 59 150 * Runda-mala 112 * Rupa 100 * Ruta 101 * * Sabda-brahma-svarupa 69 * Sac-cid-ananda-vigraha 91 * Sad-vimsakatma 156 * Sada-tusta 76 * Sadhya 157 * Sadyo-jata 64 * Sahasra-bahu 39 * Sahasra-carana 39 * Sahasra-jihva 38 * Sahasra-namadheya 38 * Sahasra-sirah 37 * Sahasra-vadana 37 * Sahasraksa 37 * Sahasraksi-dhara 38 * Sahasrarka-prakasaya 39 * Sahasrayudha-dhari 39 * Sahisnu 88 * Sakha 99 * Sakra 20 * Saksi 29 * Salagrama-nivasa 134 * Sama-rupa 101 * Sama-svana 145 * Samagra-guna-sali 161 * Samara-priya 76 * Samartha 76 * Sambhave 24 * Samitinjaya 164 * Samsara-nasana 105 * Samsara-vaidya 104 * Samudra 150 * Samyuge 90 * Sanatana 92 * Sandhata 103 * Sangha 64 * Sankara 94 * Sankha-cakra-dhara 142 * Sankhya 125 * Sankrama 22 * Santa 35 163 * Sapta-cchando-maya 121 * Sapta-lokantara-stha 120 * Sapta-svara-maya 120 * Sapta-vayu-svarupa 121 * Sapta-vimsatikatma 156 * Saptabdhi-mekhala 119 * Saptarcih-rupa-damstra 120 * Saptasva-ratha-rupi 120 * Sara 151 * Sarabha 157 * Sarasvata 105 * Sarngi 6 * Sarva 46 * Sarva-bhutatma 45 * Sarva-dehinam 92 * Sarva-duhkha-prasanta 47 * Sarva-dustantaka 58 * Sarva-jvara-vinasa 48 * Sarva-karya-vidhayi 48 * Sarva-rogapahari 48 * Sarva-sakti-dhara 47 * Sarva-sampatkara 46 * Sarva-saubhagya-dayi 47 * Sarva-sreyas-kara 146 * Sarvabhicara-hanta 49 * Sarvada 47 * Sarvadhara 46 * Sarvaisvarya-pradata 48 * Sarvaisvarya-vidhayi 49 * Sarvanga 75 * Sarvarista-vinasa 46 * Sarvarti-hari 46 * Sarvatah-pani-padora 76 * Sarvato-'ksi-siro-mukha 76 * Sarvato-mukha 75 * Sarvesvara 76 * Sastanga-nyasta-rupa 58 * Sastra 136 * Sasvata 36 * Sat-karma-nirata 13 106 * Sat-karta 91 * Sat-krti 91 * Sata-dhara 35 * Sata-kratu-svarupa 36 * Sata-murti 36 * Sata-patra 36 * Sata-rupa 35 * Satatma 36 * Satrughna 43 * Satrunjaya 10 * Sattva 65 * Sattvodrikta 59 * Satya 13 * Satya-dhvaja 14 * Satya-satya-svarupi 119 * Satya-simha 113 * Saumya 102 145 * Sauri 40 * Sena 28 * Siddha 157 * Siksa 41 * Sila-vasa 134 * Silpi 32 * Simha 7 8 142 * Simha-raja 7 119 * Sipivista 56 * Sira-dhvaja 105 * Sista 57 * Sita 105 * Snigdha 158 * Soma 145 * Soma-suryagni-netra 144 * Somapa 144 * Sosa 14 * Sravya 159 * Srestha 57 * Sri-garbha 109 * Sri-maha-visnu 74 * Sri-nivasa 8 * Sri-sailadri-nivasa 134 * Sri-vara 3 * Sridhara 160 * Srita 159 * Srivatsa 122 * Srngi 111 * Sruk-sruva 159 * Sruti 122 * Sruti-dhara 163 * Sruti-murti 122 * Stava-prita 98 * Sthalesa 15 * Sthiti 36 * Sthula 40 * Stota 98 * Stuti 98 * Stutya 98 * Su-damstra 125 * Su-dhanvi 122 * Su-ghora 23 * Su-jyotih 92 * Su-nakha 125 * Su-prabha 122 123 124 * Subha 123 * Subhacara 154 * Subhanjaya 10 * Subhiksa 40 * Subhra 123 * Subodha 158 * Subrahmanya 70 * Suci-srava 122 * Sudarsana 123 * Sudha 125 * Suhrt 99 * Sukarma 106 * Sukesa 15 112 * Suksma 40 123 * Suksunya 40 * Sukta 16 * Sukti-karna 16 * Sukumara 154 * Sumitra-varuna 42 * Sumukha 124 * Sunabha 67 * Sura 122 * Sura-mukhya 125 * Sura-natha 123 * Suradhyaksa 40 * Suratha 125 * Susakha 124 * Susarma 107 * Susuksma 40 * Sutirtha 160 * Sutra 10 * Suvedha 122 * Svabhava 124 * Svaccha 121 * Svaccha-rupa 121 * Svacchanda 121 * Svadha-kara 93 * Svaha-kara 93 * Svargapavarga-data 133 * Svarupa 22 33 * Sveda-ja 148 * Sveta-simha 114 * * Tad-agre-sarvatah-siva 79 * Tad-bhokta 133 * Tadasva-sirah 71 * Tadit-prabha 33 * Taksaka 35 * Tamo-ghna 34 * Tamoghna 43 * Tanu-tra 35 * Tapa-traya-hara 34 * Tapana 34 * Tapaska 34 * Tapasvi 34 * Taraka 34 * Tarala 35 * Tarasvi 33 * Tarksya 36 * Taruna 33 * Tarya 33 * Tat-purusa 5 * Tathya 5 * Tati 35 * Tattva 34 * Tejo-dhama 55 * Tejoma 55 * Tiksna 42 * Tiksna-damstra 72 * Tiksna-rupa 131 * Tri-deha 61 * Tri-dhama 60 * Tri-kala-jnana-rupa 61 * Tri-murti-vidya 61 * Tri-netra 60 * Tri-sandhya 89 * Tri-suli 60 * Tri-tattva-jnani 61 * Tri-varga 60 * Tri-vedi 70 * Tridhatma 61 * Tusta 56 57 * * Udbhija 148 * Ugra 160 * Ugra-karma-rata 160 * Ugra-netra 161 * Ugra-rupi 15 * Ugra-srava 163 * Ugra-vega 160 * Ujjvala 18 * Unmatta 140 * Urdhva-bahu 142 * Urdhva-kesa 15 141 * Urdhva-retah 141 * Urdhva-rupa 141 * Urdhva-simha 142 * Urjita 66 * * Vag-atita 65 * Vag-isvara 65 * Vagmi 65 * Vaidyuta 64 * Vaikuntha 58 * Vajra 1 60 * Vajra-damstra 1 * Vajra-deha 1 * Vajra-nakha 1 * Vajri 1 * Vama 145 * Vamadeva 145 * Vamana 130 * Vana-mali 75 * Vanastha 133 * Vandya 2 * Vara 2 * Vara-rupi 2 * Varada 2 * Varadabhaya-hasta 2 * Varatma 2 * Varenya 3 * Varistha 3 * Varma 107 * Varmi 107 * Vasat-cakra 20 * Vasat-kara 93 * Vasudeva 2 * Vata 105 * Vatsara 89 * Vega-kara 94 * Vibhava 30 124 * Vibhu 17 97 * Vibudha 30 * Vicitra-simha 118 * Vidagdha 158 * Vidhana 30 * Vidhata 103 * Vidheya 30 * Vidya 64 * Vighna-koti-hara 43 * Vihvala 28 32 * Vihvala-netra-simha 82 * Vijaya 30 * Vikalpa 32 * Vikarma 106 * Vikatasya 27 * Vikirna-nakha-damstra 28 * Vikrama 21 * Vikramakranta-loka 130 * Vikuntha 58 * Vinita 31 * Vipaksa-ksaya-murti 41 * Vipra 31 * Vipula 31 * Vira 27 29 * Vira-simha 80 * Virabhadra 150 * Virakta 157 * Virupaksa 29 * Visakha 124 * Visesaksa 29 * Visista 57 * Visnu 74 * Visruta 32 * Vistara-sravah 27 * Vistirna-vadana 29 * Visva 154 * Visva-garbha 109 * Visva-karta 97 * Visva-rupa 154 * Visva-yoni 31 * Visvaksena 28 * Visvambhara 30 * Visvatmaka 154 * Visvesa 155 * Vita-raga 31 * Vita-soka 29 * Vitanka-nayana 31 * Vitta 32 * Viyoni 32 * Vrsa 162 * Vrsa-dhvaja 162 * Vrsabha 162 * Vrsni-mula 74 * Vrsnya 162 * Vyaghra 161 * Vyaghra-deha 26 * Vyaghra-karmi 27 * Vyaghra-pada 27 * Vyaghra-simha 81 * Vyala-yajnopavitra 26 * Vyapaka 27 * Vyoma 152 * Vyoma-damstra 153 * Vyoma-dhara 153 * Vyoma-kesi 152 * Vyoma-vaktra 153 * Vyoma-vasa 153 * Vyomatma 152 * * Yajna-netra 165 * Yajna-varaha 129 * Yati 133 * Yoga 101 * Yoga-gamya 102 * Yoga-pitha-sthita 101 * Yoga-rupa 101 * Yogi 101 * Yogi-hrt-padma-vasa 135 * Yuga-bheda 90 * Yuga-sandhayah 90 * Yugadi 90

[These prayers are available at www.stephen-knapp.com]
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